Info on shank and holder clearance of 1 mm for chain hoist for Australia
Keyword:chain hoist Time:2021-6-28 11:54:55
This photo shows gearside cover removed and and gear 2 and 3 removed
Thanks for the photos attached.
Are your interested only this part of the chain hoist?
Attached our brochure of chain hoist and pictures of this part.
Best regards
Date: 2012/12/10
Subject: Info
Mr. Yang
I am very much interested to find part books and maintenance and safeyy check lists in order to perform qulity safeyy checkups. Regards Rainer Domhardt.
Dear Rainer Domhardt
Thanks for the interest.
Attached parts books (Operation Instruction), maintenance, test report of the chain hoist.
Best regards
Thanks for the comprehensiv information You just forwarded to me. My main point is how to declare a hook shank with by me so called holder for unsafe.What to check and how to measure.With this information I would be able to finalize my study on chain hoist safety and provide our,sites and safety deparyment with fitst class maintenance and check list Please look at attachet photo showing shank(upper part of hook)and holder or so called frame above it. Thanks for Your help.
Rainer Domhatdt.
Dear Rainer Domhardt
First make a mould, put the hook and hook holder together with the Screws
then use the Stamping machine to make it.
Best regards
Thanks for Your fast answer wich I do not understand. I am simply looking for info of max.permissible side and up/down play of hook shank in holder and how to measure it. Thanks
Rainer Domhardt.
Dear Rainer Domhardt
Sorry for my delay.
Attached one video clip.
Best regards
Dear Rainer Domhardt
The permissible side and up/down play of hook shank in holder is 1mm.
We manufacture according to drawing and normally measure the loading of hook but not this, thanks.
Best regards
Dear Rainer Domhardt
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas break.
Wish we could work together in the new 2013!
Best regards
Mr. Yang
Thans for Your Season greatings and same to You. I received Your info on shank and holder clearance of 1 mm and can only say that this is acceptable for new ones I am desparately llooking for permissible wear to know when to discard them. At 1 mm we would have to throw away all of our lifting tools. Thanks for your attention.. RDO
Dear Rainer Domhardt
1mm is estimated since we never measure this and we don’t need this parameter for producing.
Best regards
Mr. Yang.
Thanks for Your quick answer. This is actually what I suspected. In order not to bother You too much I have a few more questions. (A) Would You be able to provide me with maximum wear limet of shanks and holders maby from other sources. (B) From the check list You supplied to us see Table 1= Limitation of deformed load chain for use= It shows link diameter P+5 mm (new chain) 75 and next line= Link diameter P+5 mm (new chain) 77.6 which is a increase of 3.46 % in length should this not be concidered for a used chain. Are there no wear limets on actual link diameter lets say 5 mm wear 10% = 4.75 mm. Also for hook 5% is this the permissible wear of a used hook or not. In the part book You gave to us under item CTLG No. 85 part No.K II 85 is mentioned a over load devise which is not illustrated. Can You give me some more info. on this. If I have all this info,s correctly I think I can complete my investigation on Chain hoist safety. Regard,s Rainer Domhardt.
Dear Rainer Domhardt
(A) what’s your idea maximum wear limet?
(B) No,
5% is this the permissible wear
Overload device(overload protection) is an optional, attached some info.
Best regards
Upgaded X and Y.
Mr. Yang
Thanks for Your answer we are getting better step by step. In My initial check list I had given 15 % total wear of sideway movement. To check this we need original diameter OD of shank and ID of holder. For up and down movement I gave 5 % of original shank OD. However for better understanding I would need original thickness of upper flanch of shank: See mark X: on photo and original width of groove in holder : See mark Y : on photo. Would You be able to provide dimensions for me for at least 3 and 10 ton hoists.Thanks Rainer Domhardt.
Dear Rainer Domhardt
Attached some drawing for your better understanding.
Best regards
Dear Rainer Domhardt
Have you open the 4 files I send you? It has the original diameter OD of shank and ID of holder etc.
Best regards
Mr. Yang
I can not open these files so pls. send to Khun Srisuda VSL office BKK or to me again by JPEG or PDF. Thanks. Rainer Domhardt.
Dear Rainer Domhardt
Attached files in PDF format.
Best regards
Fwd: Latest Drawing,s
Mr. Yang
I received the drawing files. By transfering them to Khun Srisuda I lost them from my email and She did not receive them. Would You pls. email them directly to her to print them out for me. Thank,s again for the enormes help You have given to me. Rainer Domhardt.
Dear Rainer Domhardt
Attached files.
Best regards
Dear Rainer Domhardt
Attached our KITO type chain hoist, with the same technology as Japanese KITO, but price is much lower.
Pls contact me if you’re interested.
Thanks and best regards
Thanks for Your info
I am in HK working for my ex company and not so much involved in this. Maby when I return to
Dear Rainer Domhardt
May I know have your returned back to
Thanks and best regards
I am still in HK