Interested in a Davit crane to lift sewerage pumps out of wastewater treatment plant from Cambodia
Keyword:Davit crane Time:2022-4-12 9:28:35
Hi Mr Yang,
I am interested in a Davit crane to lift sewerage pumps out of wastewater treatment plant.
The pumps are less than 40Kg, I would require three stands to bolt to the top of the STP, and one Davit crane to suit, that could be moved to any one of the three stands.
The crane would need to slew and have an electric cable, and hydraulic boom
( electric 240V single phase or three phase 380V motor)
The pumps that we need to lift for servicing are 450 mm high and diameter of 350 mm
The lift is around 5 meters plus the height of the pump, so say 6 meters maximum.
I would be interested in models you have and price delivered to transportation warehouse in Guangzhou city.
Thanks in Advance for your time
Kind regards
STP 定义: 污水处理厂 - Sewage Treatment Plant
泵的重量不到 40 公斤,我需要三个支架用螺栓固定在污水处理厂的顶部,用一台车载吊机来适应,它可以移动到三个支架中的任何一个。
我们需要提升进行维修的泵高 450 毫米,直径 350 毫米
加上泵的高度升高大约是 5 米,所以最多说 6 米。
RAMHOIST: 500kg davit crane with electric cable, hydraulic boom and mini hoist: 330 USD
with 220V single phase motor (interchangeable with 240V since there is 10% is allowed)
Hi Yang,
Yes looks fine,
Can you provide three extra bolt down stanchion’s.
The hoist will be used to lift submersible sewerage pumps at different locations in the STP room.
Send to me a price for
220v electric over hydraulic 500 kg hoist
3 extra bolt down stanchions
Delivered to ware house in Guangzhou city