Business in chainhoist was great this year, sold about 500 pcs. of Verlinde Stagemaker chainhoists
Keyword:chainhoist Time:2021-7-16 12:58:18
2010/2/23 Bas Entius
Dear Mr. Yang,
Sorry for the late response, however there has been some changes
The most important one is that we have merged with another company, a
simular company like our.
Currently we are taking a close look at our product range, since we
combined have got some overlapping products.
So at this point we will not be investing in any other brands of
Since we now have got 3 brands, Verlinde, Prolyft and Lodestar..
But as soon as something changes, i will let you know!
Met vriendelijke groeten / Best regards,
Bas Entius
Dear Xinhua,
Business in chainhoist was great this year, sold about 500 pcs. of Verlinde Stagemaker chainhoists.
Met vriendelijke groeten / Best regards,
Bas Entius
Dear Xinhua,
As I told you earlier, we are the exclusive distributor for Verlinde Stagemaker and Prolyft Chainhoists in the
We are working with specified tenders, in which only the main brands are mentioned like; Verlinde, Prolyft, Lodestar and Chainmaster.
These are the only brands of electric chainhoists which are requested since they meet all the technical requirements which are needed by law in the
So we are currently not looking for another brand.
Met vriendelijke groeten / Best regards,
Bas Entius