Quote electric chain hoist Capacity 20 ton, Lifting height 11m, double speed, 6 push botton + Capacity 10 ton, Lifting height 9m, double speed, 6 push botton + Capacity 2 ton, Lifting height 6m, double speed, 4 push botton from Indonesia
Keyword:electric chain hoist Time:2021-8-2 21:42:27
Dear Mr/ Ms,
My name is Fauziah and I am a representative of an Indonesia based company PT. Elastomer Nusindo,
We need crane, could you please quote me the following item :
1. Capacity 20 ton, Lifting height 11m, double speed, 6 push botton
2. Capacity 10 ton, Lifting height 9m, double speed, 6 push botton
3. Capacity 2 ton, Lifting height 6m, double speed, 4 push botton
Thank you for kind attention
Thanks and Regards,
On behalf of
Office : Jl. LetJend. Suprapto No. 5, Jakarta 10530,
Phone : +6221- 4251815; 4201120; 4205934 Fax. : +6221- 4205740
Email : fauziah@elasindo.com
Factory : Jl. Inti 1 Block C-1 No. 8
Bekasi International Industrial Estate, Kawasan Hyundai,
Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi 17550 – Indonesia
Phone : +6221- 89900203
Dear Fauziah
Thanks for the inquiry.
Electric chain hoist, with electric trolley
1. Capacity 20 ton, Lifting height 11 m, double speed, 6 push botton
Lifting speed 1.4m/min, trolley speed 11m/min, 5889.16 US $/unit
2. Capacity 10 ton, Lifting height 9 m, double speed, 6 push botton
Lifting speed 2.7m/min, trolley speed 11m/min, 3391.54 US $/unit
3. Capacity 2 ton, Lifting height 6 m, double speed, 4 push botton
Lifting speed 3.3m/min, trolley speed 21m/min, 836.22 US $/unit
Thanks and await for your comments.
Best regards