SANS 1636:2007 Specification for Manually operated chain lever hoists
Keyword:Manually operated chain lever hoists Time:2021-2-15 8:38:29
SANS 1636:2007
Manually operated chain lever hoists
7 Marking
7.1 The following information shall be permanently and legibly marked on a suitable part of the
chain lever hoist:
a) the serial number;
b) the manufacturer's name or brand name; and
c) the WLL, in suitable SI units.
7.2 The load chain shall be marked with a batch number, manufacturers' trade name, mark or logo
and grade.
5.5 Manufacturing proof tests
Each chain lever hoist in a production run shall be subjected to the following tests:
a) the operational test (see 5.4.3); and
b) the proof load and braking test (see 5.4.4).
6 Test certificate
A test certificate that gives the following information shall be issued for each chain lever hoist
a) the serial number of the lever hoist;
b) the manufacturer's name, or brand name of the chain lever hoist assembly;
c) the working load limit (WLL);
d) the load chain size and grade;
e) the proof load;
f) the chain serial number (batch number);
g) the hook batch number;
h) the date of completion of the test and examination; and
i) compliance with this standard.
The certificate shall be signed by a person authorized by the manufacturer or supplier.
8 Documentation
Each chain lever hoist shall be supplied with the manufacturer’s recommendations, which shall
include the following information:
a) specifications;
b) operating and safety procedures;
c) inspection and reconditioning procedures;
d) safety critical component data including wear limits; and
e) spare part lists and exploded-view diagrams.