Lift for drums weighing 500 pounds from Guyana
Keyword:Lift for drums weighing 500 pounds Time:2021-1-12 20:34:23
Customer: I am interested in this lift please quote price C&F to Georgetown Guyana.I need a lift for drums weighing 500 pounds and lift height 8ft to9 ft (2.44m-2.74m)
RAMHOIST: The standard lift for Manual Drum Stackers (hand pallet stacker for drum) is 1.6m, we suggest you use electric drum stacker to achieve your lift height.
Customer: I don’t want to use the electric stacker because of power problems in our country
RAMHOIST: you do not have place for charging? After charging, you can use a long time
Customer: You have to charge the battery please send me information and price
RAMHOIST: YL450: 1700 US $/unit (semi-electric)
Inland cost+warehouse cost+clearance delaration fee+handle fee+document fee=160 USD
sea freight: 285 USD/cbm * 3.15cbm=898 USD
So CFR Georgetown Guyana: 2758 USD
G.W.:359KG, 1500*1000*2100, the offer is based on your lift height 8ft to9 ft (2.44m-2.74m), you can continous use about 8 hours
Besides, pls check below of different plug.i assume it is American standard, pls confirm, thanks
Customer:Yes, it is correct.
RAMHOIST:besides, would you confirm the power supply in your side?
Is it 220V/60hz/3phase?
Customer: In Georgetown it’s 110 volts 50 cycle will be making payments to your bank tomorrow
RAMHOIST: The Drum handling equipment [Semi Electric Pallet Stacker for drum (charaging), YL450] is finished and ready to delivery:
American standard plug (it is medical plug but not the standard plug)
video of finished Drum handling equipment [Semi Electric Pallet Stacker for drum (charaging), YL450]: https://youtu.be/ce13KIIDAu0
1PKGS, 380KG (G.W.), 350KG (N.W.), 3.189 CBM (1350*1050*2250, L*W*H, unit: mm, this size includs the pallet size)
Customer: Good morning I received mobile lift today.Problem the hose nozzle is damaged and I have no instructions booklet can you please advise
I am trying to get it fixed here
Did the forklift hit the oil pipe when unloading? It might be that the fork hit there when unloading the Drum Handling Equipment, Please tighten the screws (circled) first and see if there is any oil leakage.
(是不是叉车卸货时碰到了油管,那有可能是叉车卸货时,货叉碰到了那里!让先紧一下,紧一下螺丝,看看情况吧, 螺丝拧紧一下先, 看下还有没有漏油的情况)
Customer: What type of hydraulic oil it uses, Because the oil leak out, I think when they off load it got damaged
RAMHOIST: may I know how much hydraulic oil it leaks, Suggest 47 hydraulic oil.
Customer: Most of it but I had some one fixed for me and he bought 68 hydraulic oil, All is okay now
RAMHOIST: so no problem for use now?
Customer: No problems all is okay and thanks, But you can still send me video when it’s possible
RAMHOIST: Operation video of Drum handling equipment ( mobile lift): https://youtu.be/E3cfFf13tOE
Customer: Good evening I am having problems with the mobile lift when drums lift to about 3 feet height it’s not releasing the drum to touch the pickup tray can you please advise me what needs to be done
So far I have not able to load any trucks or small vehicle
The video only showing it lifts the drum to a certain height then it return to the bottom
You need to send me when the drum is loaded on a vehicle like truck or pick up trucks
Send me video because I have no instructions booklet it’s difficult to operate
Can’t imagine you sent me a lift with no proper instructions please let me know ASAP
当油桶提升到大约 3 英尺(0.9m)的高度时,我遇到了问题,它没有松开油桶来接触取货托盘,你能告诉我需要做什么吗?
RAMHOIST: This is not a fully automatic clamp. It needs to be operated by human beings when it is raised to a certain height. It requires manual operation.
Lift up the circled position, skillfully, pull (wrench) the pole beside it when lifting up, then it will be ok.
Instruction Manual of Electric Drum Rotator YL450 (Drum Handling Equipment): http://ramhoist.com/Lifting-Handling-Equipments2/3486.html
Thank you
RAMHOIST: it is 100 USD more than before, thanks
Customer: I received your response and I am waiting to hear from the mechanic if he can resolve the problem.Do you sell the pump by itself. Please let me know
RAMHOIST:yes, we sell the pump, normally pump can be used for several years.
Thank you
The problem with the lift I have is that it’s not going up or down. Please advise me what I need to do
Customer: Good afternoon Yang I need to purchase the same lift but can you make it for the drums to fit flat on the lift . I don’t need it with the buckle for the drums it’s takes too long to load the trucks .Make it lift to the same height. Please send me price and information.
这样不带抱箍就行了, 不带抱箍比较快捷
1,不带抱箍,不带抱箍有油桶掉下来的风险---有可能 不能说一定 有点点概率,因为他是靠咬嘴(叼口 eagle-grip)咬住的 要是咬嘴坏了 那就没法用了
2,带大抱箍(看视频),这个抱箍抱住 前面扣住就好了,主打安全 快捷,大抱箍 比到传统的 抱箍 要快(之前卖的是传统的抱箍,之前那个是要三个步骤 大抱箍就一个步骤),大抱箍他不会有任何问题 也没售后, 主要大抱箍方便 快捷 比之前那个好用也安全(不需要另外加价)
RAMHOIST: So you do not need Traditional anchor ear (抱箍) as below as before, it is much quicker
Traditional anchor ear抱箍(red pointed)
we have 2 suggestions:
1, without Traditional anchor ear, it is only gripped by eagle-grip
2, with bigger anchor ear (see video as below)|, the speed is slower than 1st suggestion but quciker than traditional anchor ear, traditional anchor ear use 3 steps while bigger anchor ear just 1 step (just fasten the front side as video shows), it is much safer than 1st suggestion
video of bigger anchor ear: https://youtu.be/UjuSuWkjAoY
it is up to you. price are same.
1,不带抱箍,不带抱箍有油桶掉下来的风险---有可能 不能说一定 有点点概率,因为他是靠咬嘴(叼口 eagle-grip)咬住的 要是咬嘴坏了 那就没法用了
2,带大抱箍(看视频),这个抱箍抱住 前面扣住就好了,主打安全 快捷,大抱箍 比到传统的 抱箍 要快(之前卖的是传统的抱箍,之前那个是要三个步骤 大抱箍就一个步骤),大抱箍他不会有任何问题 也没售后, 主要大抱箍方便 快捷 比之前那个好用也安全(不需要另外加价)
Customer: I need the battery operated one we do have to load lots of drums with bitumen so the 2 you sent cannot work lots of foot work.
RAMHOIST: yes, it is battery operated one as last time, the video is just for your to reference bigger anchor ear, since we do not find video of battery operated one with bigger anchor ear, the function of bigger anchor ear is same
Customer: Please send me price and pictures of the one you referring to. Thanks
RAMHOIST: attached price and pictures
Customer: This is how I want the lift to work so I don’t need it with the buckle. Please let me know if you can get like this
This lift is over 15 years old and works great only lift to 5 feet height.
RAMHOIST: this is manual pallet stacker, the drum will tilt and fall down since not block
RAMHOIST: then it is manaual pallet stacker
0.5T*1.5m lift: 300 USD
technical brochure: http://ramhoist.com/upfile/201810/2018101725016767.pdf
technical details: http://ramhoist.com/lifting-handling-equipments/HandPalletStackers.html
Customer: This is good but I need it to be battery operated power to lift because it’s difficult to work manual for us Like this one I am sending you
like this one
Customer: Please send me price and more information on this one. Thank you
Customer: Good morning I bought this lift but having trouble with the pump . Can you please let me know
This is what I need to buy
since pump is not easily broken, we need to know the reason why it does not work
Customer: Video of the lift that’s has the problem
Customer: Thank you, I will let you know.
Ken: How many batteries it need to lift the drum and is it included.
RAMHOIST:one battery and it is included
Ken: What is the cost if I go one step higher where as has power operated reverse and forward.also I will like to know if you scissor lift auto lift.thanx.
RAMHOIST: then it is full electric drum stack (with 2 battery), YL650A: 3650 USD,
the previous one is semi electric drum stack (with 1 battery)
Inland cost+warehouse cost+clearance delaration fee+handle fee+document fee=280 USD
sea freight: 285 USD/cbm * 5.5cbm=1568 USD
So CFR Georgetown Guyana: 5498 USD