Purchase 08 Nos. 10 Ton Capacity Fork Lift, 02 Nos. 20 Ton Capacity Fork Lift & 12 Nos. 10 Ton Capacity Mobile Crane from Bangladesh
Keyword:10 Ton Capacity Fork Lift, 20 Ton Capacity Fork Lift Time:2021-7-30 17:20:13
Golam Azam
From: [ mailto: *******@gmail.com ]
Send: 2016-11-02 14:45:57
Subject:CPA Fork Lift Tender
Dear Sir
Our client "Chittagong Port Authority" will purchase 08 Nos. 10 Ton Capacity Fork Lift, 02 Nos. 20 Ton Capacity Fork Lift & 12 Nos. 10 Ton Capacity Mobile Crane to be procured through International tender bidding.
Please let us know if you are in a position to bid in tenders through us in
Awaiting for your early reply.
Best regards
Golam Azam
Engineering Inspection Services of Bangladesh Limited
House # D-25, Block # E, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Email: eisbndt@gmail.com, catheisb@bdcom.com
Tel: + 88-02- 9124119-20
Fax: + 88-02- 9137971
Mobile: +8801718066670