Replacement Hydraulic ram for 2ton manual pallet stacker from Australia

Keyword:replacement Hydraulic ram   Time:2021-11-6 13:31:00


I have a 2ton stacker. 
It is the same as the photo I have attached. 
Can I purchase a replacement ram for this unit? 

replacement ram for 2ton manual pallet stacker.jpg

ram=Hydraulic ram 液压油缸

RAMHOIST: Yes, we can sell you one Hydraulic ram as below, but we need you to take a measure of your existing one, to see whether ours can match your 2ton manual pallet truck

Hydraulic ram of manual pallet stacker液压油缸.jpg

Customer: Hi yang
My ram actually has a part number on it.
Photo attached 
Dose that help?  If not I can make some physical measurements for you 

ram of 2ton manual hand pallet stacker actually has a part number.jpg

RAMHOIST: pls take physical measurements, thanks

Customer: Hi Yang 

Physical measurements attached.
If you have a matching ram please provide a photo and quote to have the item shipped to Australia 
***** NSW 2429 Australia 

physical measurements for ram of 2ton manual hand pallet stacker-1.jpg

physical measurements for ram of 2ton manual hand pallet stacker-2.jpg

RAMHOIST: yes, our ram matches yours, Pls check the base of ram is flat or not, our normal base is flat (see below)

Pls check the base of ram is flat or not, our normal base is flat.jpg

Customer: Base is flat with two, locating lug holes 

Photos attached 

Base is flat with two, locating lug holes-1.jpg

Base is flat with two, locating lug holes-2.jpg

RAMHOIST: No problem, we will drill two locating lug holes as per your measurement.

110 USD

Express to Austrlia: 11 usd/kg * 35kg = 385 usd

Customer: Thankyou. 

I have Somone looking at the ram to see if it can be repaired. 
If it cannot be repaired I will be in touch with you again soon. 


RAMHOIST: May i know what's your decision? thanks

Customer: Sorry I forgot to let you know. 

My ram was able to be repaired so I will not require a new one. 

RAMHOIST: well noted, thanks