Order from Moscow -- Heavy Load Hydraulic Steel Cable Drum Stand 400 tonn with diesel hydraulic station

Keyword:Hydraulic Steel Cable Drum Stand 400 tonn   Time:2023-5-16 10:03:03

Dear all,

Hope you are doing well!
Our trading company is interested in Heavy Load Hydraulic Steel Cable Drum Stand 400 tonn with diesel hydraulic station
- diametre 8 metres
- width 6 metres

Can you please let us know the approximate price of this project (without shipping costs). We need to get it asap, as now we are on the stage of meeting to launch the project

Could you please also give us the best delivery date (is it possible to produce the drum stand in 2-3 months?)

Will be waiting for your feedback

重型液压钢丝绳卷筒站 400T 带柴油机站

