RFQ for Tirfor and Pull Lift

Keyword:RFQ for Tirfor and Pull Lift   Time:2023-11-21 15:15:38

Dear Sir/Madam,


 Kindly arrange quote below

Tirfor 2.5 Tonne/1.5 TonneNos.6
Tirfor 5 Tonne/3TonneNos.2
Pull lift 1.5 TonneNos.3
Pull lift 3 TonneNos.3
Pull Lift 3/4 TonneNos.15


Steel Wire Auto clampNos.2
Pulley (1.5 Ton)Nos.8
Pulley (3 Ton)Nos.2
Double Pulley (2 Ton)Nos.2


Tirfor 2.5 Tonne/1.5 TonneNos.6178 USD/unit
Our is 3.2tx20m
Tirfor 5 Tonne/3TonneNos.2383 USD/unitOur is 5.4tx20m
Pull lift 1.5 TonneNos.351 USD/unit
Pull lift 3 TonneNos.368 USD/unit
Pull Lift 3/4 TonneNos.1538 USD/unit

 technical details for tirfor: http://ramhoist.com/winches/Tirfors.html

technical details for pull lift: http://ramhoist.com/manual-hoists/VTChainBlocks.html

Steel Wire Auto clampNos.2

Pulley (1.5 Ton)Nos.8

Pulley (3 Ton)Nos.2

Double Pulley (2 Ton)Nos.2